Sunday, August 26, 2012

Dog Guide Buying A Boxer Dog

Dog Guide Buying A Boxer Dog
Many dogs are turned over to rescue shelters by their owners because later did they realize that the dog they chose is not what the dog they really want...
To those who are planning to buy a Boxer dog, the impulse is probably to head to the nearest pet store and choose from among the many Boxer dogs available for sale. Another option, the easiest option perhaps is buying through the web. There are lots of websites with cute photos of cute puppies that made your heart swell with delight. But buyers beware! Elaborate and colorful websites with cute photos of puppies don't always guarantee you that you will be getting a good one. You cannot even tell the characteristics or health condition of a potential puppy by simply staring at the eyes, the common mistake of dog buyers.
Dog buyers, especially inexperienced one, should keep in mind that buying a pet requires not just an eye to eye contact nor a best snapshot posted on the site. It requires a lot of inquiries, careful observations and did I say, inquiries? When buying a dog, it is important that you should get as much information as you can. Ask the breeder everything you want to know about the dog. Reputable breeders should have tested the breeding stock before breeding to make sure that the parents are not carriers of faulty genes and that only good qualities will be pass on to the next generation. Ask about the dog's temperament, whether he is shy or assertive and the possibility of aggression. The right to ask is not for you alone. Breeders too will ask questions, lots of questions in fact. A reputable breeder will ask questions to find out if you are responsible to keep these amazing creatures as pets and if you have the capacity to provide the needs of your chosen dog. Some are even conducting background check and area inspection before you will be given the opportunity to buy the puppy. Don't be annoyed with these what seem to be endless procedures and questions for they are just ensuring the welfare of the puppy. These people care about the dogs and they just want to make sure that the dog they entrusted to you won't end up in rescue shelters or worst, abandoned on their own until they die of hunger or dehydration.
Evaluate yourself as well. Are you fit and capable of having a Boxer dog? Do you have the time to exercise with your pet? Remember that Boxer dogs are active dogs and need regular exercise to keep them fit. If you are a busy buddy and cannot spare a little of your precious time to attend to your dog, then this is something you might want to consider.

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