Friday, August 24, 2012

Akita Rescue - Own the Best Dog in the World

The Akita dog is one of the most remarkable and awe-inspiring breeds that you can encounter. Simply by looking at the dog you can see how noble, dignified and magnificent this creature is. This breed has noble beginnings in Japan, owned exclusively by Shoguns and aristocracy centuries ago. They accompany their masters almost everywhere. Akita dogs served faithfully and effectively as guard dogs, hunting dogs and companions. They were used to herd wild boars, elks, and even black bears until the hunters arrive. Their sense of smell, sight and hearing are unsurpassed. Until now, centuries after, little has changed for this dignified breed. There was this touching story of one of the most venerated Japanese Akita named Hachi-Ko. He was owned by Professor Eizaburo Ueno and they lived near the Shibuya Train Station. Everyday when the professor goes to work he accompanies him to the train station and at 4 o'clock in the afternoon they go back to the house together. On May 25, 1925, as always, Hachi-Ko waited for his master's arrival at the train station. Sadly, his master never came.He died at work after suffering a stroke. After that, Hachi-Ko was cared for by Professor Eizaburo Ueno's relatives. He was as loving to them as with his master. But he never stopped their vigil. Everyday he will go to the train station as if accompanying his master to work and at 4 o'clock he will wait for his arrival. He did this 9 years until his death. His moving story was told around the world and a bronze statue of Hachi-Ko was erected at the train station in is honor. Deserving enough the Akita dog was declared the Japanese National Monument. Years after this the Akitas have gained popularity around the world. Their magnificence recognized. And their breed prospered. Their numbers have increased but unfortunately the need for Akita rescue is also in order. There are several organizations that aims to help abandoned Akitas like the Akita Rescue Society of America and Akita Rescue Society of Florida. People around the country work hand in hand in helping these dogs get out of cruel conditions and provide homes for them. The Akita Rescue organizations serve by:Educating people who are planning on adopting As support for new owners Counsel for Akita families Neuter program Training course Follow-up on the adopted dogs Euthanasia (sadly)These abandoned dogs come from Humane Societies or Animal Control Shelters, from deceased owners, sadly also from mistreated and abandoned cases. Everyone needs to do their part. The Akita Rescue needs all the help they can get. You can financially support the programs and fund raising projects they put up, volunteer in Akita Rescue work and adopt a new family member. Own the best dog in the world and you will not regret it. You will have a loyal companion to share your lives with. That by itself is reward for doing something right for these wonderful creatures.

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